Schwäbisch Hall Integration (Druckversion)

1. Advice and Support in the Schwäbisch Hall Administrative District

Advice and support (Beratung und Unterstützung) in the Schwäbisch Hall Administrative District

Especially in the period immediately following your arrival, you will certainly be faced with many questions and problems. Don’t be discouraged!
There are many professional staff and volunteers in the “Schwäbisch Hall Administrative District” who will be glad to help you.  

Immigration Advice Services for Adult Immigrants - (MBE):

Migrationsberatung bei der Arbeiterwohlfahrt
(Immigration Advice at the Arbeiterwohlfahrt)

AWO Schwäbisch Hall
Mohrenstr. 9
74523 Schwäbisch Hall

Mrs Exter,   Tel.: 0791 97004-33
Mrs Volkert, Tel.: 0791 97004-34 
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Migrationsberatung bei der Caritas
(Immigration Advice at Caritas)

Caritas Schwäbisch Hall
Kurzer Graben 7
74523 Schwäbisch Hall

Mr Glaubitz                 Tel.: 0791 97020-0

Caritas Crailsheim
Schillerstraße 13
74564 Crailsheim

Mr Glaubitz                  Tel.: 07951 9431-20
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Am Markt 2 (Second Floor)
74523 Schwäbisch Hall
Tel.: 0791 493 9761, Fax: 0791 493 9762

For Asylum Seekers:

See publication in your community accommodation or ask the department management:

Landratsamt Schwäbisch Hall
Amt für Migration
(Schwäbisch Hall Administrative District offices
Office for Migration)

P.O. Box 11 04 53

74507 Schwäbisch Hall

Building: Karl-Kurz-Straße 44

74523 Schwäbisch Hall 
Mrs Hübsch
Tel.: 0791 755-7987
Fax: 0791 755-7472

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You may also turn to the voluntary helpers of the Freundeskreise Asyl(Circle of friends asylum):

Landratsamt Schwäbisch Hall
Amt für Migration - Flüchtlingsbeauftragter
(Schwäbisch Hall Administrative District offices
Office for Migration - Commissioner for refugees)

P.O. Box 11 04 53

74507 Schwäbisch Hall

Building: Karl-Kurz-Straße 44

74523 Schwäbisch Hall 
Mr Borchers
Tel.: 0791 755-7438
Fax: 0791 755-7495

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Repatriation Advice:

Landratsamt Schwäbisch Hall
Amt für Migration - Rückkehrberatung
(Schwäbisch Hall Administrative District offices
Office for Migration - Repatriation Advice)

P.O. Box 11 04 53

74507 Schwäbisch Hall

Building: Karl-Kurz-Straße 44

74523 Schwäbisch Hall 
Mrs Kunz
Mobile:  0151 52330618
Fax:      0791 755-7510
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Youth Migration Service (up to 27 years):

Landratsamt Schwäbisch Hall
Amt für Migration - Jugendmigrationsberatung
(Schwäbisch Hall Administrative District
Office for Migration - Youth Migration Service)

P.O. Box 11 04 53

74507 Schwäbisch Hall

Building: Karl-Kurz-Straße 44

74523 Schwäbisch Hall 

Mr Do
Tel.:       0791 755-7555     
Fax:       0791 755-7510

Mobile:   0151 61871216

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Job market and qualification consultation services for refugees in the administrative district of Schwäbisch Hall:

Landratsamt Schwäbisch Hall 
Amt für Wirtschafts- und Regionalmanagement
(Schwäbisch Hall Administrative District
Office for Economic and Regional Management)

P.O. Box 11 04 53

74507 Schwäbisch Hall

Building: Karl-Kurz-Straße 44

74523 Schwäbisch Hall 

Mrs Hoffman
Tel:  0791 755-7214
Fax: 0791 755-7399

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For Ethnic German immigrants:

Freundeskreis Brücken (Circle of friends Brücken)

Mrs Finger-Klett, Tel.: 0791 59007
Mr Schmunk,      Tel.: 0791 857733


Emergency Counselling Centres in the Schwäbisch Hall Administrative District (Beratungsstellen in Notsituationen)

1.   Debt Counselling (Schuldnerberatung)
If you have debts which you can no longer repay, you should seek advice as quickly as possible. First you should ask the lender if it is possible to defer the repayments (Tilgung). If this is not possible, turn to the Debt Counselling Service (Schuldnerberatungsstelle) in your Administrative District.

You may obtain information for the Schwäbisch Hall Administrative District at:

Landratsamt Schwäbisch Hall
(Adminstrative District offices
Debt counselling)

Münzstraße 1
74523 Schwäbisch Hall

Tel. 0791 755-7226
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2.   Pregnancy Counselling (Schwangerschaftsberatung)

The Advice Centres give advice to pregnant women on personal, social, legal and financial problems, on problems related to the pregnancy and uncertainty regarding their own future and that of their child. The centres can also issue a consultancy certificate (Beratungsnachweis) which is needed for a legal abortion (Schwangerschaftsabbruch). Such advice is free of charge and strictly confidential. The offers of advice also apply to partners and family members.

Advice Centres (Beratungsstellen) in the Schwäbisch Hall Administrative District: 

Haus der Diakonie
Mauerstraße 5
74523 Schwäbisch Hall
Tel.: 0791 94674-27
Haus der Diakonie
Kurt-Schumacher-Str. 5
74564 Crailsheim
Tel.: 07951 96199-10
PRO Familia
Katharinenstraße 9
74523 Schwäbisch Hall
Tel.: 0791 7384
Fax: 0791 857509
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Do not issue consultancy certificates:

Kurzer Graben 7
74523 Schwäbisch Hall
Tel.: 0791 97020-0
Schillerstr. 13
74564 Crailsheim
Tel.: 07951 9431-0 

3.   Drug Abuse and Addicition Counselling (Drogen- und Suchtberatung)

Drug dependence or addiction (means that one is physically or psychologically dependent on a substance and can no longer manage without it.
In such cases, one should seek help as quickly as possible and get advice from qualified people. The Addiction Counselling Service will help you regarding all aspects of addiction and dependence.

Up to the age of 27:

Gelbinger Gasse 20
74523 Schwäbisch Hall
Tel.:  0791 755-7920
Fax: 0791 755-7925



Jugend-Sucht-Beratung - Außenstelle Crailsheim
Schillerstraße 8
74564 Crailsheim
Tel.: 07951 29590-12
Fax: 07951 29590-29

Consulting Hours:
Thursday from 4.00pm to 5.00pm
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Consulting Hours:
Wednesday from 4.00pm to 5.00pm


The Youth Addiction Counselling Service (Jugend-Sucht-Beratungsstelle) works closely with Mobilen Jugendarbeit. The Mobile Jugendarbeit staff are the contact persons for young immigrants. Mobile Jugendarbeit can be reached under the main numbers of the Youth Addiction Advice Centres

From the age of 28:

Suchtberatungsstelle des Diakonieverbandes Schwäbisch Hall
(Addiction counseling center of the Diakonieverband Schwäbisch Hall)

Tel.: 0791 94674-213

4.   AIDS Counselling (AIDS-Beratung)
AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) translates into German as “Erworbenes Immundefekt-Syndrom”. Theinfectionwithavirusgivesrisetoaspecificdefect in the body’s defence mechanism, which leads to an illness caused by a pathogender. If you have questions about AIDS, if you are afraid that you may have been infected, you are welcome to turn to the Health Office of the Schwäbisch Hall Administrative District. If you wish, they can also carry out an anonymous test, free of charge.

Gesundheitsamt Schwäbisch Hall

(Health office)

Gaildorfer Str. 12
74523 Schwäbisch Hall
Tel.: 0791 5802-0

Gesundheitsamt - Außenstelle Crailsheim
(Health office - branch office Crailsheim)

In den Kistenwiesen 2/1
74564 Crailsheim
Tel.: 07951  492-5211


You can also obtain psychological help from:

AIDS- und Drogenseelsorge
Mr Kaier
Am Säumarkt 2
74523 Schwäbisch Hall
Tel.: 0791 4994551
Fax.: 0791 4994341

5.   Forced Marriages (Zwangsverheiratung)
Forced Marriage  is a breach of human rights!

There is a Forced Marriage when at least one of the spouses has not freely consented to the marriage, but has been forced into it; i.e. one has not made the choice of partner oneself; it has been made, for example, by the family.

In Article 16.2 of the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights it says:
“Marriage shall be entered into only with the free and full consent of the intending spouses.”

This applies in all countries throughout the world!

Furthermore, forced Marriage  is a violation of basic human rights, which are part of the constitution (Grundgesetz) of the Federal Republic of Germany.

If one suspects that someone could become the victim of such a crime, in Germany, and especially in the Administrative District, one may turn to the following Advice Centres: 

Landratsamt Schwäbisch Hall
Jugendamt - Soziale Dienste
(Schwäbisch Hall Adminstrative District offices

Youth welfare office -
Social services)


Tel. 0791 755-7279 or
Tel. 07951 492-5145


Landratsamt Schwäbisch Hall
Amt für Migration - Jugendmigrationsberatung
(Schwäbisch Hall Adminstrative District offices
Office for Migration - Repatriation Advice)

Mr Do
Tel.:     0791 755-7555
Mobile: 0151 61871216

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Terre des Femmes                                                
Menschenrechte für die Frau e.V.  
Brunnenstr. 128
13355 Berlin

Tel.: 030405046990
Police Emergency No. 110

Frauen- und Kinderschutzhaus
(Women's and chilren's shelter)
Tel.: 0791 94 644 64

One can get help here with complete anonymity (without having to mention one’s name).
Nobody will tell the family!
Forced marriages often take place during a vacation in the home country. You can also get help while abroad:
German Embassies/Consulates:

Foreign Office (Auswärtiges Amt) Germany:
Emergency Phone Number: (0049) 30 18 - 170 ⇒ If someone says the word “Emergency” "Notfall" if one calls, one will be immediately connected to a member of staff.